How To Write The Perfect Thank You Note
We often hear that people intend to write thank you notes, but they drag their feet because they’re never quite sure how to word them properly.  Here’s our fool-proof formula for the perfect thank you note, we guarantee it will work each and every time you use it (which we hope will be alot! – just bookmark this page for convenience).
SALUTATION — Your initial greeting: “Dear, Dearest, Hey, Hi, etc.â€
Thank the receipient for the gift, favor or entertainment. “Thank you so much for the beautiful necklace from Tiffany’s.â€
Write about the appropriateness of the gift.  “I needed a break from the kids, thank you for watching them Friday afternoon.â€
Compliment the giver.  “You are always so thoughtful, I truly appreciate your kindness.â€
Tell the recipient how you plan to use the gift.  “The sweater fits perfectly! It will be great for our ski trip to Colorado next month.â€
Add a line about your relationship to the giver.  “Bryant and I are looking forward to having dinner with you and Ian next weekend.â€
SIGNATURE — This depends on your relationship with the recipient: “Fondly, With love,
Kind regards,  Warm regards, Best, Yours Truly, etc.â€
Et volià !  The perfect thank you note.  We told you it was simple.  We can’t wait to hear about all the praise you receive from friends and family for your beautifully worded notes of thanks.
Ab fab my goldoy man.
So true, so true, Melissa. It’s a rare treat when a handwritten thank you note is reeievcd. This is the perfect month to show some additional gratitude send out some notes to thank people for being the gift that they are in your life.~ Mp
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Hi There, I spend about 1 hour a week on my site. The initial set up of a blog is easy to do on WordPress or Blogspot, this is a WordPress site. Free to set up unesls you want a specific design. If you are already writing every day in your diary then you are halfway there! The key is commitment and consistency. Once you block out time each week to contribute an article then you need to keep at it. I would suggest a once a week initial commitment blog would do it and then as you link to others, share online and feed the blog into other social media like your Faceboook page and your LinkedIn profile and Twitter you will start to build up a good readership. I recommend reading Fusion: The New Way of Marketing a new book about having a good mix of marketing online, by David Taylor and David Miles.
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